- Tweets. Shares long form articles and short form rants on Twitter as @meetZaki.
- Shares. Shares random stuff on Facebook as zakishaheen.
- Writes. Sometimes reads/writes answers on Quora as zakishaheen. Also blogs at meetZaki.
- Photographs. Sporadic photography of friends, family, food, and random stuff on Instagram as zakishaheen.
- Reads. Sometimes shares book reviews on GoodReads as zakishaheen.
- Codes. Publishes code for community on Github as zakishaheen.
- Helps. Helps other developers on StackOverflow as zakishaheen.
- Talks. Slides hosted on SpeakerDeck as zakishaheen.
- Competes. Competitive programmer at HackerRank as debuggerman.
- Runs. Logs runs and workouts on RunKeeper as zakishaheen.
- Listens. Music collection on Spotify as Zaki Shaheen.
- Eats. Shares reviews on yelp as Zaki "debuggerman" S. .
- Works. Software engineer at Yelp. Past jobs are on LinkedIn as meetzaki. Resumé here.
- Vlogs? Builds? Plays? Yet to unlock.
Projects on Tap
- Brewfile. Brewfile for all the brews I use (including casks) - updated Jan 2017.
- DotFiles. A collection of dotFiles I use for my develoment environment.
- TempCode. A sandbox of different programming problems solved in C/C++.
- RemoRoboCon. Project from NASA SpaceApps 2015 Hackathon.
- OneWeek. Body measurements app I tried working on.
- PKHacks. A side project to curate all programming competitions in Pakistan.
- Let's Hack. A series of articles that might end up a book for hackathon enthusiasts.
At work I use an Early 2015 15" Retina Macbook Pro. Its loaded with 16 GB of RAM (1600 MHz DDR3) and 500 GB of SSD. It also has NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M but I don't yet what to do with it.
At home I use a Late 2016 13" Macbook Pro (2.9Ghz Core i5, 8GB 2133Mhz RAM, Intel Iris 550) with TouchBar connected to a Samsung U24E590D 4K monitor.
Currently I use an iPhone 6S+.