
Zaki's solutions to leetcode.com and CTCI problems.

View the Project on GitHub zakishaheen/tempcode


Though it initially started as just the solutions to the Online Judge at oj.leetcode.com, I am now including other sources as well including CTCI (cracking the coding interview). My motivation to do this is:

The source codes are my personal implementation (without external help in most cases) of all the problems in the best of the ability that I could solve them. If you want me to solve a particular (well defined) problem, email me at zakishaheen@me.com and I'll be glad to have a look at it.

The problems here are mostly those that could be done in the span of an interview which is typically less than an hour. Harder questions, such as those that come up in the Marathon matches at TopCoder or the harder ones at CodeChef are currently not the focus. Once I exhaust list of smaller questions (especially from leetcode), I will move on to other, harder questions.

Each source file comes with the question, one or more solutions and possible test cases. There are questions that require complex test harnesses which I will develop as I get time.

It would better if your browse the repo with the above references at hand.

Tips to answer these questions