I am running Xcode version 7.0.1 (7A1001) on OS X version 10.10.5. Hardware is MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013) with 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 and 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3. Here I keep the important dotfiles as backup and for others to use. Enjoy!
- clone the repo in the home directory
- Use the provided script to symlink the files to the home directory
- enjoy
What's included
- bashrc : Stairforward aliases only for bash.
- vimrc : I am currently using VIM 7.3 with no additional plugins. I like to keep it simple so that I can easily adapt to new systems without too much plugin swocery.
- zshrc : Zsh is my default shell with iTerm 2.0. There is no real customisation in it per se, apart from what is being done in .bashrc. I use the git plugin with oh-my-zsh and apart from that fairly standard stuff. Not much customisation so far.
- .slate Slate is an integral part of my daily life. It a hacker's window manager. The technology is at its best when it simply fades into background. Slate has nailed it.